Jana Crollard PE

Mrs. Crollard earned a Bachelor of Arts in Education with an emphasis in History from Whitworth University. Her teaching experience spans 12 years and multiple subjects including Language Arts, Geography, Reading and Physical Education. She has also coached soccer, track and volleyball. Because she loves to participate with her students, you'll often find her in Gundy Hall playing a new PE game, cheering on her students as they accomplish things they didn't think they could do, or encouraging students to step out of their comfort zone and try new things! She enjoys teaching at Crosspoint because God is at the center of everything we do.

Bill Durham HS Biology, Health


Ben Dykstra Woodworking, Interior Design

Mr. Dykstra has a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Seattle Pacific University. His many years coaching youth sports prepared him for teaching. He enjoys teaching at Crosspoint because he gets to know the students on a deep level, and teach in an environment where he can openly talk to his students about the love of Jesus Christ.

Phil Fernandes HS Bible, Weights

Phil Fernandes has a long list of credentials, earning him the nickname "Doc". He is currently the President of the International Society of Christian Apologetics.
His accomplishments include a PhD in Philosophy of Religion from Greenwich University, a Doctor of Ministry from Veritas International University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty University, and a Bachelor of Theology from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. He is also the pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship, Vice-President of the International Society of Christian Apologetics, and an Adjunct Instructor at Northwest University. His 25 year teaching career spans the collegiate, seminary, and high school levels. A peek inside his classroom will find him engaged in a biblical and philosophical discussion with his students. He loves Crosspoint because he can teach in a Christian community that loves Jesus, His Word, His truth, and His people!


Julianne Haag HS History

Ms. Haag has a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies from Liberty University. Her career experience includes serving in the United States Army Reserves and in Social Services to provide housing for homeless youth and females who have been trafficked. Currently, she is attending Western Governor's University to receive a Masters of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education. She loves discussing history, the biblical accounts, and connecting the two together for her students.

Alisa Hanson K-12 Learning Specialist

Lauren Healy Drama

Mrs. Healy has a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Education from Seattle Pacific University and a Master of Arts in Theatre from Regent University. She has endorsements in Theatre Arts and Language Arts. After interning, apprenticing, and teaching in the education program at Seattle Children’s Theatre, she began teaching at Crosspoint and is currently in her 10th year. You can find her in the Gwen Mansfield Theatre Space playing theatre games with her students! She loves teaching at Crosspoint because the small school atmosphere allows her to form close relationships with her coworkers and students.

Rebekah Holmes MS/HS Music

Hillary Huff 9th & 10th Grade English

Chris Kay HS Math

Tonya Kipple Psychology

Mrs. Kipple has a Bachelor of Science triple major from Carson-Newman University in Education, Special Education and Psychology, a Master of Science from Johns Hopkins University in Special Education, and more than 100 post graduate credits in Education, Special Education and Administration. She has spent her 30+ year career in public or private school education and as a Children's Pastor. Inside her classroom, you'll find an abundant amount of laughter and smiles as her students physically, kinesthetically, and emotionally experience a concept being taught through an engaging and fun activity. She loves teaching at Crosspoint because of the close relationships the students and faculty have and the love and support they show each other! Christ is honored and glorified daily. She love to scuba dive, kayak and spend time with her family. 

Elsie Kong College Counselor, College Prep

Mrs. Kong earned a Master of Science from San Diego State University and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Wellesley College with dual certification in Secondary History and Social Studies. Her extensive career includes marriage, family and child counselor, court mandated therapist, Graduate Assistant at San Diego State's M.S. in Marriage, Family and Child Counselling program, College Counselor at Miramar College, Interim Director of Counseling at Montgomery College, and College Counselor at Okinawa Christian School International. She has previously served as the College Counselor at Crosspoint for three years, as well as Secondary Principal. Most often, you’ll find her staring cross-eyed at college applications with her students and ensuring they are thriving in a competitive and rigorous curriculum to best position themselves for future merit scholarships. She loves Crosspoint because she can help students search for God’s purpose in their lives as they prepare to launch into the world!

Sherrin Landis HS History

Josh Mathews HS Bible, Lifetime Fitness

Colleen Pagaard  Yearbook, International Program Director

Mrs. Pagaard has been a university instructor and high school teacher for the past 12 years. She has a Bachelor of Arts in History from Oral Roberts University and a Master of Arts in English Literature from the University of Tulsa. When you visit her classroom, you'll find her engaged with her students in informed discussions, working collaboratively on yearbook spreads, or helping students research historical topics. She loves teaching at Crosspoint because she has the freedom to align critical thinking and competent scholarship with a Gospel-centered worldview.



Rebecca Parker Art

Mrs. Parker has a Bachelor of Liberal Arts with an Emphasis in Fine Arts from the University of Alaska and has been teaching for ten years in both public and private schools, and with at-risk youth. Because she's a firm believer in practicing the art form alongside her students, you can always find her in the ceramics or art studios covered in paint or clay! She enjoys teaching at Crosspoint because the small school environment provides more individualized attention for each student and positively impacts the student’s emotional and academic success!

Will Primiano  MS History

Heather Raley MS Bible

Heather Raley has been teaching at Gateway Christian Schools for over a decade. She previously taught middle school English and is now joyfully teaching middle school Bible and praying over spiritual life in chapels and around campus. Heather graduated with a Bachelors of Social Work from Azusa Pacific University and strives to work with and know every student from a lens of curiosity and social-emotional behavior. Every class starts with highs and lows, prayer, and God’s word.  Curiosity behind human behaviors is a favorite study in her free time. Heather graduated with a Masters of Arts in Teaching and an English endorsement from Seattle Pacific University. Heather and her husband, Dave, are blessed with two daughters; both of whom attend Crosspoint. Heather and her family are very involved at newlife North Kitsap. In her free time Heather loves to read about trauma informed resiliency, garden, kayak, bike ride, eat good food, and make memories with her family.    

Charles Schmuck MS Science


Danielle Smith 11th & 12th Grade English

Danie Smith has a Bachelor of Arts in English, a minor in Agricultural Sciences, and a Master of Arts in Teaching/Language Arts Education from Oregon State University, where she graduated Cum Laude. She has taught in various capacities and has also been involved in youth ministry for more than 20 years. Danie has worked professionally as a writer/editor for a newspaper publishing company as well as the US Forest Service. She has a heart for teaching and is committed to giving her personal best to each student the Lord entrusts her with. Danie’s passion is to train up communicators--young adults who can successfully get their ideas from their minds to their chosen audience, in the way they intended, in order to manifest the results they are seeking (whether that occurs when they are sharing the truths of their faith, convincing an employer to hire them, or passing an AP® exam with flying colors). The opportunity to teach this within Crosspoint’s community of believers is truly a gift.

Julie Smith MS Mathematics


Kendall Ventura HS Math

Alisa Weis MS English

Mrs. Weis has a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Writing from Whitworth University and a Masters in Secondary Education (English) from University of Phoenix. Before teaching at Crosspoint, she worked in public schools, wrote numerous articles for local papers and published two historical fiction books, Swiftwater and The Emblem. She finds the staff and students at Crosspoint refreshing and is thrilled to teach here after praying for this position for several years. When she's not teaching or writing, Mrs. Weis enjoys running, hiit classes, and spending time with her husband and two middle schoolers on their small farm in Olalla.   

Henrietta Yabney HS Engineering


Contact Info:

Bremerton Campus

4012 Chico Way NW
Bremerton, WA 98312