Exciting News!

Over the past two years, our leadership team has engaged in strategic planning to ensure our school's continued growth and success. We have evaluated and discussed a broad range of issues and opportunities, and we are encouraged by our progress!

 As part of this strategic planning process, we recently conducted a thorough evaluation of the school’s branding, including our various names, logos, colors, mascots, etc. We engaged North Star Marketing, an agency specializing in brand development for faith-based schools, to guide us through the process. The assessment helped the leadership team reach an important conclusion: our brands need to be consolidated and unified to better reflect our shared mission and values.

Current Branding Scenario

Our school has five different names and logos. We have two mascots, the Eagles and the Warriors, and we use a wide range of colors in our school branding. This complex brand structure creates confusion in the local community and requires our enrolled families to move between school brands as they progress through the academic program. Furthermore, having multiple brands creates extra administrative work for our internal teams and is more expensive to promote and maintain. 


A Single Name and Brand

As we look to the future, we want to be clear about who we are, what we stand for, and what we do. After much prayer and discussion, the leadership team has decided to consolidate our school name and step through a rebranding process. We believe having a single name, logo, and mascot is a key factor in pursuing unity.

We are thrilled to announce that, effective January 1, 2025, our school will operate under a united brand:


This new name and brand will represent the foundational commitments we make through our mission and vision, serving students from Pre-K to 12th grade across two campuses.

Furthermore, both campuses will adopt the same name and mascot, fostering a sense of unity and shared identity among our students, staff, and families.

Watch this video for more details

Anticipated Timeline

You may be wondering about the timeline for these changes. Here's what you can expect:

  • May: Community survey to inform the logo development and mascot selection process
  • June-July: Collaborative brand-building process with North Star Marketing.
  • August/September (Back-to-School Season): Exciting launch party to showcase the new brand and celebrate our community.
  • October-December: On-campus and administrative branding changes
  • January: Officially switch to the new school naming and branding

 We are confident that this rebranding initiative will strengthen our schools' identity and enhance the overall experience for our students and families.

Have more questions?

Have more questions?

Check out our Q & A one sheet above to find out more information about our exciting rebrand!